At MNS, we have engaged few of the best purchasers to keep on studying and sourcing new supplier brands and old-time reliable manufacturers for the material and service require in your project.
Our Purchasers have the practical knowledge and suitable in-field experience to source and screen the market available products and sometimes even to the very scarce labor-intensive product. We have created system in our Sourcing and Purchasing Department for all managers and purchasers to follow as their SOP.
A brief idea of the SOP is as below:
- Product Knowledge
- Market Sourcing & Scanning (not limit to local only, also international like China market)
- Product Breakdown (Function & Cost)
- Budget Control & Feasible Product’s Parts that help Progress Flow & Product Quality
- Product Brand, Warranty & After Sales Service or Value-added Service to Project
- Negotiation, Delivery Lead Time and Terms
- Purchase Order and Documentation Control
- Invoice and Payment Processing
- Customer Service Expectation vs Actual Experience Surveyor
- Supplier Relationship Management
- Purchaser Exposure (E.g. Attending Exhibitions and Product Talks)